Friday, April 9, 2010

How do you define a 'relationship'?

Of course there are many types of relationships... family, friends, even 'friends with benefits' etc... but when it comes to that 'special' person in your life, the one that makes your heart beat fast when you hear their voice, when you are both alone without a care in the world except each other... when is the line crossed and you enter a 'relationship'?
What if one person 'feels' it, and the other doesn't? Yet, when the true feelings are revealed, your relationship is now defined as 'more than friends', but not a so called 'girlfriend/boyfriend' status?
Time is spent together almost every day, and when you leave your body yearns to come back.
You share the most intimate of secrets you tell no other, you share a bed, you awake in the morning, share a coffee, spend the day side by side... does this define a 'relationship'?
What if suddenly one person decides they don't want a 'commitment'? Although he tells you he loves you? This person thinks all freedom is lost if they have a partner, they think about previous relationships and compare... isn't it worth taking a risk? Your 'undefined relationship' is suddenly in turmoil... tears are shed and communications are shut down... do you continue to live in the land of limbo? Are you waiting on 'that' phone call when you know in your heart he is not really into you, he just wants your company... what happens when the tables are turned? When you need a shoulder to lean on when going through difficult times? Does that person express concern when they know how upset you are? Or do they continue about their day... but they do admit they 'think' about you... Congratulations! You have just won second prize in a beauty contest, collect $10, but do not pass go... do not collect $200.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stay tuned... :) x